各参赛单位、参赛作者: 泉州市第二届“刺桐杯”国际设计大赛,经初评(网络评审),共有600件作品入围复评。并于近期开展复评,本次复评采取“线上+线下”的方式,组建复评专家组对产品组、概念组的参赛作品进行首轮复评评审,两个组别各评选出不少于100件作品进入第二轮复评答辩。由入围选手视频连线答辩,采取“百分制”的评分形式,复评专家进行现场评分,并综合入围选手答辩及实物(样品或模型)制作情况,依据产品组、概念组评奖标准对所有入围作品进行评分。评议出产品组、概念组各35件优秀作品,作为第二轮复评结果提名名单,并各递补30件作品作为候补,进入公示。现将名单予以公示,公示期为11月21日-11月23日。
联系方式: 手机:18065502663 固话:0595-22693283 邮箱:zayton_design@163.com
泉州市第二届“刺桐杯” 国际设计大赛组委会办公室 2023年11月21日
To all participating units and contestants: The 2ND Quanzhou Zayton Cup International Design Competition has completed its initial evaluation (online review), with a total of 600 entries qualifying for the second round of evaluation. The recent round of evaluation was conducted through a combination of online and offline methods. A panel of expert judges was formed to conduct the first round of evaluation for entries in the product and concept categories. Each category selected no fewer than 100 entries to proceed to the second round of evaluation and defense. During the second round, the shortlisted participants engaged in video-conferenced defenses, and a scoring system on a scale of 100 was employed. The expert judges provided on-site evaluations, considering the defense presentations and the production status of physical samples or models. Based on the competition criteria for product and concept categories, all shortlisted entries were scored. After deliberation, 35 outstanding entries were selected in each category as the nominees for the second round of evaluation results. Additionally, 30 entries in each category were selected as substitutes and will be included in the public announcement. The nominated list is now being publicly disclosed, and the announcement period is from November 21st to November 23rd. Any objections to the disclosed entries should be submitted in writing with real names during the announcement period. If objections are from organizations, the official seal of the organization should be affixed to the objection document. For objections from individuals, please provide your real name and contact number on the objection document. During the announcement period, if any violations are confirmed, the corresponding entries will lose their qualification, and substitutions will be made according to the order of the replacement list. Contact Information: Mobile: 18065502663 Landline: 0595-22693283 Email: zayton_design@163.com
Competition Organizing Committee 21th,November,2023
Remarks:The list is sorted by the first letter of Chinese Pinyin or English words of works’ name.Works’ name containing numbers or other characters are listed first. 2.The award certificate could be filled by up to 4 person.Please check information carefully and contact with us in time if there is information changed.
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指导单位 福建省工业和信息化厅 泉州市人民政府 主办单位 泉州市丰泽区人民政府 泉州市工业和信息化局 泉州市人力资源和社会保障局 泉州市总工会 承办单位 泉州市丰泽区工业信息化和科技局 泉州市工业设计协会 协办单位 泉州市市场监督管理局 泉州市人民政府台港澳事务办公室 支持单位 泉州市各县(市、区)工信(工信科技、工信商务)局 泉州开发区科经局 台商投资区科经局 合作单位 世界设计组织(WDO) 中欧国际设计文化协会(CEIDA) 泉州信息工程学院